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WESTERN DIGITAL WD AV-25 1TB 16MB 24x7 9,5mm

Etusivu Palvelimet Sisäiset kovalevyt WESTERN DIGITAL WD AV-25 1TB 16MB 24x7 9,5mm
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WESTERN DIGITAL WD AV-25 1TB 16MB 24x7 9,5mm

  • Liitäntä Serial ATA II
  • Siirtonopeus 3GB/s
  • Kapasiteetti 1TB
  • Pyörimisnopeus 5400RPM
  • Koko 2.5"

WD AV-25

24x7 reliability.
Reliable performance engineered for demanding always-on multimedia streaming environments.

Low-power, compact storage.
Cool, quiet 2.5-inch AV storage is the perfect solution for a variety of multimedia applications and fanless environments where the drive operates below 65° C base casting temperature.

Supports high definition video.
SilkStream technology supports up to five simultaneous streams of HD video in a variety of file formats.


Product Specifications
Interface SATA 3 Gb/s
Performance Specifications
Rotational Speed 5,400 RPM (nominal)
Buffer Size 16 MB
Load/unload Cycles 600,000 minimum
Acoustics (Sone) < 1
Transfer Rates
Buffer To Host (Serial ATA) 3 Gb/s (Max)
Physical Specifications
Formatted Capacity 1,000,204 MB
Capacity 1 TB
Form Factor 2.5-inch Drive
User Sectors Per Drive 1,953,525,168
Physical Dimensions
Height 0.374 Inches
Depth 3.94 Inches
Width 2.75 Inches
Weight 0.25 Pounds
Height 9.5 mm
Depth 100.2 mm
Width 69.85 mm
Weight 0.12 kg
Environmental Specifications
Operating Shock (Read) 400G, 2ms
Non-operating Shock 1000G, 2 ms
Idle Mode 24 dBA (average)
Seek Mode 0 25 dBA (average)
Temperature (English)
Operating 32° F to 140° F
Non-operating -40° F to 149° F
Temperature (Metric)
Operating -0° C to 60° C
Non-operating -40° C to 65° C
Electrical Specifications
Current Requirements
Power Dissipation
Read/Write 1.4 Watts
Idle 0.59 Watts
Standby 0.18 Watts
Sleep 0.18 Watts
As used for storage capacity, one megabyte (MB) = one million bytes, one gigabyte (GB) = one billion bytes, and one terabyte (TB) = one trillion bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment. As used for buffer or cache, one megabyte (MB) = 1,048,576 bytes. As used for transfer rate or interface, megabyte per second (MB/s) = one million bytes per second, megabit per second (Mb/s) = one million bits per second, and gigabit per second (Gb/s) = one billion bits per second.

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