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JABRA PRO 930 MS Duo DECT for PC with integrated USB-plug Noise-Cancelling Wideband ringtone on the base Microsoft optimized

Etusivu Oheislaitteet ja tarvikkeet Audio JABRA PRO 930 MS Duo DECT for PC with integrated USB-plug Noise-Cancelling Wideband ringtone on the base Microsoft optimized
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JABRA PRO 930 MS Duo DECT for PC with integrated USB-plug Noise-Cancelling Wideband ringtone on the base Microsoft optimized (930-29-503-101)
JABRA PRO 930 MS Duo DECT for PC with integrated USB-plug Noise-Cancelling Wideband ringtone on the base Microsoft optimized (930-29-503-101)
JABRA PRO 930 MS Duo DECT for PC with integrated USB-plug Noise-Cancelling Wideband ringtone on the base Microsoft optimized (930-29-503-101)
JABRA PRO 930 MS Duo DECT for PC with integrated USB-plug Noise-Cancelling Wideband ringtone on the base Microsoft optimized (930-29-503-101)

JABRA PRO 930 MS Duo DECT for PC with integrated USB-plug Noise-Cancelling Wideband ringtone on the base Microsoft optimized

  • Tyyppi Langaton kuulekomikrofoni
  • Melunvaimennus Kyllä
  • Väri Musta

The Jabra Pro 900 series is a professional wireless headset designed for maximum performance. Now everyone in your office can take advantage of the added productivity and comfort that wireless convenience delivers. Simple, intuitive and high quality, an all-in-one wireless solution.

Wireless headset series optimised for use with all leading desk phones and softphones. Some variants enable pairing with mobile devices, desk phones and softphones.

Huomio, että kuva on suuntaa-antavaja varsinainen tuote saattaa ulkoasultaan poiketa tuotekuvasta. Jos tuotenimessä on eri tiedot kuin tuotekuvauksessa, tuotenimikkeen tieto on oikein. Jos jokin asia jää epäselväksi tai askaruttaa, lähetä meille sähköpostia shop@midpointed.fi ennen tuotteen tilaamista.
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