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JABRA BIZ 2400 Duo USB NEXT GENERATION Type: 82 E-STD Noise-Cancelling USB connector with mute-button and volume control Microphone

Etusivu Oheislaitteet ja tarvikkeet Audio JABRA BIZ 2400 Duo USB NEXT GENERATION Type: 82 E-STD Noise-Cancelling USB connector with mute-button and volume control Microphone
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JABRA BIZ 2400 Duo USB NEXT GENERATION Type: 82 E-STD Noise-Cancelling USB connector with mute-button and volume control Microphone (2499-829-309)
JABRA BIZ 2400 Duo USB NEXT GENERATION Type: 82 E-STD Noise-Cancelling USB connector with mute-button and volume control Microphone (2499-829-309)
JABRA BIZ 2400 Duo USB NEXT GENERATION Type: 82 E-STD Noise-Cancelling USB connector with mute-button and volume control Microphone (2499-829-309)
JABRA BIZ 2400 Duo USB NEXT GENERATION Type: 82 E-STD Noise-Cancelling USB connector with mute-button and volume control Microphone (2499-829-309)

JABRA BIZ 2400 Duo USB NEXT GENERATION Type: 82 E-STD Noise-Cancelling USB connector with mute-button and volume control Microphone

Ammattilaisten arvostelut: 2 arvostelua
  • Tyyppi Langallinen kuulekomikrofoni
  • Melunvaimennus Kyllä
  • Väri Musta

The BIZ 2400 II offers outstanding sound at both ends of the call for a superior customer experience. Up to 40% lighter than competing headsets and with a low headband pressure, the Biz 2400 II allows the agent to focus on their customer conversation in unrivalled comfort. The Jabra BIZ 2400 II USB UC Duo is a stereo headset that provides USB connectivity to all leading UC applications and softphones.

The Jabra BIZ 2400 II USB UC Duo is a stereo headset that provides USB connectivity to all leading UC applications and softphones.

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