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JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord

Etusivu Oheislaitteet ja tarvikkeet Audio JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)
JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord (2393-829-109)

JABRA BIZ 2300 USB Mono Type: 82 E-STD Microphone boom: FreeSpin (headband) USB with mute-button and volume control on the cord

Ammattilaisten arvostelut: 10 arvostelua
  • Tyyppi Langallinen kuulekomikrofoni
  • Melunvaimennus Kyllä
  • Väri Musta
98,00 €
122,99 € (sis. ALV)
Saatavilla arviolta

Your contact centre agents are your brand ambassadors, so give them the tool to sound as clear as your brand. In Jabra’s Biz™ 2300, world-class sound meets world-class durability in an exceptionally comfortable and stylish corded headset – keeping both your agents and your customers happy.Jabra Biz™ 2300 USB UC Mono is a mono headset that provides USB connectivity to all leading UC applications and softphones.

Jabra Biz™ 2300 USB UC Mono is a mono headset that provides USB connectivity to all leading UC applications and softphones.

Palvelukeskuksen asiakaspalvelutyöntekijät toimivat brändisi lähettiläinä. Anna heille siis oikeat työkalut, joiden avulla he kuulostavat yhtä kirkkailta kuin brändikuvasi. Jabra’s Biz™ 2300 yhdistää huippuluokan äänenlaadun huippuluokan kestävyyteen poikkeuksellisen mukavassa ja tyylikkäässä langallisessa handsfree-kuulokemallissa, joka varmistaa sekä asiakaspalvelijoiden että asiakkaiden tyytyväisyyden.

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