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Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway

Etusivu Verkko ja valvonta Reitittimet ja palomuurit Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway (R1B21A)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway (R1B21A)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway (R1B21A)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway (R1B21A)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway (R1B21A)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway (R1B21A)

Hewlett Packard Enterprise 9004 RW Gateway

1 342,00 €
1 684,21 € (sis. ALV)
Saatavilla arviolta

The Aruba 9004 Series Gateways are ideally suited for small to medium-size branch deployments and serve as network appliances for SD-WAN and security. Multiple gateways can be grouped as a cluster in each branch for high availability and resiliency.

The 9004 Series is configured and managed via Aruba Central, a simple-to-use cloud-based network operations, assurance and security platform. An optional mobile installer app simplifies on-site deployments to optimize IT resources.

Designed with the flexibility to support the most demanding branch environments – the 9004 gateways provide connectivity for up to 40 times the maximum client density and up to 10 times the maximum throughput of typical SD-WAN appliances.

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