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Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM

Etusivu Oheislaitteet ja tarvikkeet Erikoismuistit Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM (835810-B21)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM (835810-B21)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM (835810-B21)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM (835810-B21)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM (835810-B21)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM (835810-B21)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM (835810-B21)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM (835810-B21)

Hewlett Packard Enterprise 512GB 2666 PERSISTENT MEMORYKIT . MEM

  • Muistin koko 512GB
8 894,00 €
11 161,97 € (sis. ALV)
Saatavilla arviolta

Does your need to manage vast amounts of data challenge your data center's infrastructure? HPE Persistent Memory is ideal for enterprise customers like you that are running structured data management and analytics workloads. It delivers the right capacity for the right application and the broadest range of workloads and platforms.

- HPE Persistent Memory in 128 GB, 256 GB, and 512 GB capacities with two operating modes. Memory Mode and App Direct Mode determine which capabilities are available
- Configuration in Two Modes
- Flexibility to be used as memory or fast storage
- Fast restart times and reduced wait times when fetching data
- Move, store, and process larger data sets closer to the processor
- Up to 4x largest available DRAM capacity
- More affordable than equivalent DRAM

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