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APPLE Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad English US

Etusivu Oheislaitteet ja tarvikkeet Näppäimistö ja hiiri APPLE Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad English US
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APPLE Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad English US (MQ052LB/A)

APPLE Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad English US

Ammattilaisten arvostelut: 3 arvostelua

Apple Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad - Näppäimistö - Bluetooth - Yhdysvaltain - hopea
  • Tyyppi Näppäimistö
  • Lokalisaatio Englanti (US)
  • Liitettävyys Langaton
  • Liitäntä Bluetooth

Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad features an extended layout, with document navigation controls for quick scrolling and full-size arrow keys for gaming. A scissor mechanism beneath each key allows for increased stability, while optimized key travel and a low profile provide a comfortable and precise typing experience. The numeric keypad is also great for spreadsheets and finance applications. And the built-in, rechargeable battery is incredibly long-lasting, powering your keyboard for about a month or more between charges.

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