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APPLE Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter

Etusivu Oheislaitteet ja tarvikkeet Kaapelit APPLE Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter
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APPLE Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter (MK0W2ZM/A)

APPLE Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter

  • Tyyppi Matkapuhelin
  • Liitin 1 USB 3.0
  • Liitin 2 Lightning
  • Väri Valkoinen

With the Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter, it’s easy to transfer photos and videos from your high-resolution digital camera to your iPad Pro. After you connect the Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter, your iPad Pro automatically opens the Photos app, which lets you choose photos and videos to import, then organises them into albums.
Add even greater capability and versatility to your iPad Pro by powering the Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter with a USB Power Adapter. Then you can connect USB peripherals like hubs, Ethernet adapters, audio/MIDI interfaces, and card readers for CompactFlash, SD, microSD and more.
The Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter supports standard photo formats, including JPEG and RAW, along with SD and HD video formats, including H.264 and MPEG-4. The 12.9-inch iPad Pro transfers data at USB 3 speeds, while the 9.7-inch iPad Pro uses USB 2.

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